
About Little Haven

Little Haven Palliative Care is a not for profit, public benevolent institution providing compassionate and professional palliative care and cancer support to people with an incurable illness and their families and friends in the Gympie and surrounding area. 

Of all life’s challenges, a diagnosis of incurable illness and loss are the times when we are most in need of answers and support.

In-home care

Little Haven offers a unique in-home and community based palliative care service to people of all ages from little children to our most senior citizens.

We understand that the diagnosis of a life threatening health condition may be the most confronting experience in life. Just as caring for a loved one at home when their health is deteriorating may be an unfamiliar and distressing role.

For more than 41 years Little Haven’s Home & Community Palliative Care has helped anyone in the Gympie & surrounding region facing incurable illness to be where they want to be: with family, friends or loved ones, whilst receiving the best of care.

In a team effort, our experienced  staff work in partnership with patients and their loved ones to offer expert clinical and moral support so that remaining at home for the rest of life is possible, peaceful and positive.

Little Haven’s Home & Community Palliative Care is a no-fee service accessible throughout the Gympie and Cooloola Region.

Our nurses are available to answer questions about the service on 07 54829091 or by visiting our centre at 14 Henry Street, Gympie. Our nurses will meet with you either at Little Haven or at home and help you plan the care you need. This will generally include talking with your medical practitioner to ensure appropriate coordination of care.

Our Home & Community Palliative Care services may include all or some of the following:

  • Assessment of client and family health and social needs
  • Home nursing care for pain and symptom management
  • Nursing equipment
  • Liaison with the family GP
  • Family and emotional support
  • Spiritual support and access to appropriate practitioners if requested
  • Carer education, training and support
  • Meditation and Complementary Therapies programs
  • 24/7 After hours support
  • Respite volunteers
  • Linkage to other community and social services

Volunteer services – Little Haven’s Respite volunteers play an integral role in assisting our nurses work. They provide companionship, practical assistance and respite support for carers.

Little Haven’s support service is there to help people transition emotionally, spiritually and practically during these most difficult of times. Connecting with our experienced team relieves anxiety and helps people to understand and adjust with confidence to their changing life circumstances.


Admission to Little Haven’s in-home care can be arranged through a:

  • direct request from you or a family member
  • general practitioner or specialist
  • treating clinic or hospital
  • community organisations

Little Haven’s admitting team will work with your medical practitioner to ensure appropriate coordination of care and then meet with you and your family. This can happen either at Little Haven or in your home. An individual care plan will be developed in consultation with you and your carer. Please call 54829091 to access these services.

Bereavement support

Little Haven provides follow up bereavement support on an individualised basis to all our patients and families for as long as needed to help them through their grieving process.

We provide:

  • One on one and phone support
  • support groups
  • memorial service
  • Art therapy  workshops
  • Complementary Therapies
  • online information.
  • referral to appropriate health professionals for more complicated grief.

Our team includes Registered Palliative Care Nurses, Volunteers and Complementary therapists working in cooperation with the treating medical practitioners, to offer comprehensive support for the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of the individual.

By taking quality hospice palliative care into the home our goal is to offer an opportunity for people with a terminal illness – and their loved ones – to have the highest quality of remaining life.

compassionOur history of volunteering, support and fundraising in this community not only bears a responsibility to deliver exceptional care, but has helped shape compassion in our community. Gympie has engaged with our vision that it takes a village to care for their dying and the ripples of this vision have spread out into the community

Posted in : News
Gratitude Walk 2024 in Pictures

Gratitude Walk 2024 in Pictures

Thank you to all who supported our Annual Gratitude Walk on Sunday July 14th 2024, walking together in honour of our patients and families.

Gratitude Walk 2023 In Pictures

Gratitude Walk 2023 In Pictures

Thank you to all who supported our Annual Gratitude Walk on Saturday July 16 bringing participants together to walk in honour our patients and families and to offer thanks to a community that supports caring for the terminally ill so that they may enjoy the best and longest possible quality end of life.

Gratitude Walk 2019 in Pictures

Gratitude Walk 2019 in Pictures

Thank you to everyone, young and old who participated in this year’s Little Haven Gratitude Walk. It was lovely to see the growing number of families walking in memory and gratitude for their loved ones this year. With numbers up 37% on the 2018 walk the event gets bigger each year.